Empowering Futures: A Snapshot of Our Impact in the First Half of 2024

The first half of 2024 has been a whirlwind of activity here at the Grant Williams Family Foundation. We've been laser-focused on our core pillars of mentorship, technology, financial literacy, and the arts – and the results have been nothing short of inspiring. From coding programs to hackathons, bikes to financial boot camps, we've been hard at work empowering the next generation.

  • Coding for Success: Our "Live to Learn Computer Coding" after-school program, launched in 2022, continues to thrive. Elementary and middle school students aren't just learning to code; they're building critical problem-solving skills and confidence. We're incredibly proud to share that one of our inaugural students has received a full scholarship to Providence Day School. Talk about a testament to the power of education!

  • Hackathon-For-Good: In April, we held our first-ever Hackathon-For-Good, where students from Walter G. Byers and Providence Day School teamed up to tackle real-world problems. They pitched app ideas, honed their communication skills, and even got to walk out with Grant Williams during a Charlotte Hornets game! This event was all about sparking creativity, collaboration, and a passion for social good.

  • Wheels and Words: In January, we donated bikes and journals to Harrington House in Dorchester, MA. The hope was to provide both external and internal outlets to express themselves - the bikes as vehicles to release their emotions outside and the journals as means to release, express, and article their emotions internally.

  • Financial Fitness: In February, we launched a dynamic Financial Literacy program for high school and college basketball teams. We're partnering with Chase to equip these young athletes with the knowledge and skills they need to make smart financial decisions and build generational wealth.

  • Social Media Savvy: April was Financial Literacy Month, and we celebrated by sharing valuable tips and insights across our social media channels.

As you can see, the first half of 2024 has been packed with meaningful initiatives. But we're not slowing down! We're gearing up for our annual basketball camp and golf tournament this summer, and we can't wait to see you there. Want to stay connected and support our work? Follow us @thegwff on Instagram, sign up for our newsletter, or consider making a donation. Together, we can build a brighter future for the next generation.


Grant Williams Family Foundation - A Year in Review 2023